First, verify if you're able to find other Places on the map near you. If there are NO Places appearing on the map, you may be experiencing an issue with your Location services - please refer to our troubleshooting FAQ for more information: There are no Places appearing on the map - what can I do?
If there is a specific Place missing from the map that you know has a TouchTunes jukebox, the venue information associated with that jukebox may be incorrect or outdated. Please make sure you let venue staff know so they can notify the owner of the jukebox. You can also tap the button below to report it using the Can't Find Jukebox form, and we'd be happy to investigate for you!
NOTE: please be aware that while TouchTunes is able to correct typos or map coordinate errors, these changes may take time to be reflected on the app, and we are unable to change venue names or other public information without approval of the jukebox owner.